Octocat This notebook is part of a GitHub repository: https://github.com/pessini/moby-bikes
MIT Licensed
Author: Leandro Pessini

Feature Engineering

In [82]:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
import scipy.stats as stats
from patsy import dmatrices

# statsmodels
from statsmodels.stats import diagnostic as diag
import statsmodels.api as sm
from statsmodels.formula.api import glm
from statsmodels.stats.stattools import durbin_watson
from statsmodels.stats.outliers_influence import variance_inflation_factor

%matplotlib inline
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', FutureWarning)
In [2]:
%reload_ext watermark
%watermark -a "Leandro Pessini" -n -u -v -iv -w
Author: Leandro Pessini

Last updated: Thu May 12 2022

Python implementation: CPython
Python version       : 3.9.6
IPython version      : 8.3.0

numpy      : 1.21.1
statsmodels: 0.13.2
seaborn    : 0.11.1
matplotlib : 3.4.2
sys        : 3.9.6 | packaged by conda-forge | (default, Jul 11 2021, 03:36:15) 
[Clang 11.1.0 ]
pandas     : 1.3.0
scipy      : 1.8.0

Watermark: 2.3.0

In [118]:
df_train = pd.read_csv('../data/interim/dfsample_train.csv', parse_dates=['date'])
df_test = pd.read_csv('../data/interim/dfsample_test.csv', parse_dates=['date'])
all_data = pd.read_csv('../data/interim/all_data.csv', 
rain temp rhum wdsp date hour day month year count
0 0.0 0.1 98 4 2021-03-01 0 1 3 2021 0
1 0.0 -1.1 98 3 2021-03-01 1 1 3 2021 0
2 0.0 -1.2 98 4 2021-03-01 2 1 3 2021 1
3 0.0 -0.9 100 5 2021-03-01 3 1 3 2021 0
4 0.0 0.0 100 6 2021-03-01 4 1 3 2021 0


Hourly trend: It might be a high demand for people commuting to work. Early morning and late evening can have different trend (cyclist) and low demand during 10:00 pm to 4:00 am.

Daily Trend: Users demand more bike on weekdays as compared to weekend or holiday.

Rain: The demand of bikes will be lower on a rainy day as compared to a sunny day. Similarly, higher humidity will cause to lower the demand and vice versa.

Temperature: In Ireland, temperature has positive correlation with bike demand.

Traffic: It can be positively correlated with Bike demand. Higher traffic may force people to use bike as compared to other road transport medium like car, taxi etc.

Date and time - new features

  • holiday
  • workingday
  • peak
  • season: (1 = Spring, 2 = Summer, 3 = Fall, 4 = Winter)
  • duration*: duration of the rental

Bank Holidays

In [119]:
from functools import lru_cache

def get_irish_bank_holidays() -> np.ndarray:
    Returns a Panda Series of Irish Bank Holidays
    bank_holidays = pd.read_json('../data/external/irishcalendar.json')
    bank_holidays['date'] = pd.to_datetime(arg=bank_holidays['date'], utc=True, infer_datetime_format=True)
    bank_holidays['dt'] = pd.to_datetime(bank_holidays['date'].dt.date)
    bank_holidays = bank_holidays[bank_holidays['type'] == 'National holiday']
    return bank_holidays['dt'].values # np.ndarray

def isBankHoliday(date: pd.DatetimeIndex) -> bool:
    Receives a date and returns if it is an Irish Bank Holiday
    bank_holidays = get_irish_bank_holidays()
    return (pd.Timestamp(date) in bank_holidays)
In [120]:
# holiday
# isBankHoliday(datetime.datetime(2020,3,17))
df_train['holiday'] = df_train['date'].map(isBankHoliday)
df_test['holiday'] = df_test['date'].map(isBankHoliday)
all_data['holiday'] = all_data['date'].map(isBankHoliday)
In [121]:
def get_day_of_week_number(date: pd.DatetimeIndex) -> int:
    return date.dayofweek

def get_day_of_week_str(date: pd.DatetimeIndex) -> str:
    return date.day_name()

def isWorkingDay(date: pd.DatetimeIndex) -> bool:
    return (get_day_of_week_number(date) < 5)

# day of the week
df_train['dayofweek_n'] = df_train['date'].map(get_day_of_week_number)
df_train['dayofweek'] = df_train['date'].map(get_day_of_week_str)

df_test['dayofweek_n'] = df_test['date'].map(get_day_of_week_number)
df_test['dayofweek'] = df_test['date'].map(get_day_of_week_str)

all_data['dayofweek'] = all_data['date'].map(get_day_of_week_str)

# working day (Monday=0, Sunday=6)
# from 0 to 4 or monday to friday and is not holiday
df_train['working_day'] = df_train['date'].map(isWorkingDay)
df_test['working_day'] = df_test['date'].map(isWorkingDay)
all_data['working_day'] = all_data['date'].map(isWorkingDay)

# set working_day to False on National Bank Holidays
df_train.loc[ df_train['holiday'] , 'working_day'] = False
df_test.loc[ df_test['holiday'] , 'working_day'] = False
all_data.loc[ all_data['holiday'] , 'working_day'] = False


In [124]:
def get_season(date: pd.DatetimeIndex) -> str:
        Receives a date and returns the corresponded season
        0 - Spring | 1 - Summer | 2 - Autumn | 3 - Winter
        Vernal equinox(about March 21): day and night of equal length, marking the start of spring
        Summer solstice (June 20 or 21): longest day of the year, marking the start of summer
        Autumnal equinox(about September 23): day and night of equal length, marking the start of autumn
        Winter solstice (December 21 or 22): shortest day of the year, marking the start of winter
    Y = 2000 # dummy leap year to allow input X-02-29 (leap day)
    seasons = [('Winter', (datetime(Y,  1,  1),  datetime(Y,  3, 20))),
            ('Spring', (datetime(Y,  3, 21),  datetime(Y,  6, 20))),
            ('Summer', (datetime(Y,  6, 21),  datetime(Y,  9, 22))),
            ('Autumn', (datetime(Y,  9, 23),  datetime(Y, 12, 20))),
            ('Winter', (datetime(Y, 12, 21),  datetime(Y, 12, 31)))]
    date = date.replace(year=Y)
    return next(season for season, (start, end) in seasons if start <= date <= end)

df_train['season'] = df_train['date'].map(get_season)
df_test['season'] = df_test['date'].map(get_season)
all_data['season'] = all_data['date'].map(get_season)
In [125]:
def isPeakHour(hour: int, date: pd.DatetimeIndex) -> bool:
        Receives an hour / date and returns if it is a peak hour
        Source: https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/the-new-commuter-hour-peak-times-increase-with-record-traffic-volumes-36903431.html
    return ((isWorkingDay(date) and (6 <= hour <= 10 or 15 <= hour <= 19)))

df_train['peak'] = list(map(isPeakHour, df_train['hour'], df_train['date']))
df_test['peak'] = list(map(isPeakHour, df_test['hour'], df_test['date']))
all_data['peak'] = list(map(isPeakHour, all_data['hour'], all_data['date']))

Times of the Day

  • Morning (from 7am to noon)
  • Afternoon (from midday to 6pm)
  • Evening (from 6pm to 10pm)
  • Night (from 10pm to 5am)
In [126]:
def times_of_day(hour: int) -> str:
    Receives an hour and returns the time of day
    Morning: 7:00 - 11:59
    Afternoon: 12:01 - 17:59
    Evening: 18:00 - 22:59
    Night: 23:00 - 06:59
    conditions = [
        (hour < 7), # night 23:00 - 06:59
        (hour >= 7) & (hour < 12), # morning 7:00 - 11:59
        (hour >= 12) & (hour < 18), # afternoon 12:01 - 17:59
        (hour >= 18) & (hour < 23) # evening 18:00 - 22:59
    values = ['Night', 'Morning', 'Afternoon', 'Evening']
    return np.select(conditions, values,'Night') 

df_train['timesofday'] = df_train['hour'].map(times_of_day)
df_test['timesofday'] = df_test['hour'].map(times_of_day)
all_data['timesofday'] = all_data['hour'].map(times_of_day)

Rainfall Intensity Level

Level Rainfall Intensity
no rain 0
drizzle 0.1~0.3
light rain 0.3~0.5
moderate rain 0.5~4
heavy rain >4

Source: https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/research/library-and-archive/publications/factsheets

PDF direct link: Water in the atmosphere

Met Éireann Weather Forecast API


Precipitation unit: Rain will be output in millimetres (mm).

The minvalue, value and maxvalue values are derived from statistical analysis of the forecast, and refer to the lower (20th percentile), middle (60th percentile) and higher (80th percentile) expected amount. If minvalue and maxvalue are not output, value is the basic forecast amount.

<precipitation unit="mm" value="0.0" minvalue="0.0" maxvalue="0.1"/>
In [127]:
def rain_intensity_level(rain: float) -> str:
    Receives a rain intensity (in mm) and returns the rain intensity level
    conditions = [
        (rain == 0.0), # no rain
        (rain <= 0.3), # drizzle
        (rain > 0.3) & (rain <= 0.5), # light rain
        (rain > 0.5) & (rain <= 4), # moderate rain
        (rain > 4) # heavy rain
    values = ['no rain', 'drizzle', 'light rain', 'moderate rain','heavy rain']
    return np.select(conditions, values)

df_train['rainfall_intensity'] = df_train['rain'].map(rain_intensity_level)
df_test['rainfall_intensity'] = df_test['rain'].map(rain_intensity_level)
all_data['rainfall_intensity'] = all_data['rain'].map(rain_intensity_level)
In [97]:
no rain          7862
drizzle           465
moderate rain     320
light rain        100
heavy rain         13
Name: rainfall_intensity, dtype: int64
In [98]:
import math
def scale(value, factor):
    Multiply value by factor, allowing for None values.
    return None if value is None else value * factor

def wind_ms(kn):
    Convert wind from knots to metres per second
    return scale(kn, 0.514)

def wind_kn(ms):
    Convert wind from metres per second to knots
    return scale(ms, 3.6 / 1.852)

def wind_bft(ms):
    Convert wind from metres per second to Beaufort scale
    _bft_threshold = (0.3, 1.5, 3.4, 5.4, 7.9, 10.7, 13.8, 17.1, 20.7, 24.4, 28.4, 32.6)
    if ms is None:
        return None
    return next((bft for bft in range(len(_bft_threshold)) if ms < _bft_threshold[bft]), len(_bft_threshold))
In [128]:
df_train['wind_bft'] = df_train.apply(lambda row: wind_bft(wind_ms(row.wdsp)), axis=1)
df_test['wind_bft'] = df_test.apply(lambda row: wind_bft(wind_ms(row.wdsp)), axis=1)
all_data['wind_bft'] = all_data.apply(lambda row: wind_bft(wind_ms(row.wdsp)), axis=1)
3    3026
2    2875
4    1872
5     529
1     314
6     117
7      25
8       2
Name: wind_bft, dtype: int64

Grouped Wind Speed (Beaufort scale)

Level Beaufort scale
Calm / Light Breeze 0~2
Breeze 3
Moderate Breeze 4-5
Strong Breeze / Near Gale 6-7
Gale / Storm 8~12
In [129]:
def group_wind_speed(beaufort_scale: float) -> str:
    Receives a beaufort scale and returns the group of the wind speed
    conditions = [
        (beaufort_scale < 3), # Calm / Light Breeze
        (beaufort_scale == 3), # Breeze
        (beaufort_scale > 3) & (beaufort_scale < 6), # Moderate Breeze
        (beaufort_scale >= 6) & (beaufort_scale < 8), # Strong Breeze / Near Gale
        (beaufort_scale > 7) # Gale / Storm
    values = ['Calm / Light Breeze', 'Breeze', 'Moderate Breeze', 'Strong Breeze / Near Gale','Gale / Storm']
    return np.select(conditions, values)

df_train['wind_speed_group'] = df_train['wind_bft'].map(group_wind_speed)
df_test['wind_speed_group'] = df_test['wind_bft'].map(group_wind_speed)
all_data['wind_speed_group'] = all_data['wind_bft'].map(group_wind_speed)

Rounded Temperature

Capturing the relationship on temperature as continuous can be hard for machine learning algorithms as the range is to high. Temperature of 13.4C and 13.9C or 13C and 15C, are practically the same if you think about deciding whether to go bicicling or not. The same rationale applies for humidity and wind speed.

In [130]:
def round_up(x):
    Helper function to round away from zero
    from math import copysign
    return int(x + copysign(0.5, x))

df_train['temp_r'] = df_train['temp'].apply(round_up)
df_test['temp_r'] = df_test['temp'].apply(round_up)
all_data['temp_r'] = all_data['temp'].apply(round_up)

KBinsDiscretizer - Temperature and Humidity

KBinsDiscretizer - Bin continuous data into intervals.

In [131]:
from sklearn.preprocessing import KBinsDiscretizer
# transform the temperature with KBinsDiscretizer
enc_temp = KBinsDiscretizer(n_bins=10, encode="ordinal", strategy='kmeans')
df_train['temp_bin'] = enc_temp.fit_transform(df_train['temp'].array.reshape(-1,1))
df_test['temp_bin'] = enc_temp.transform(df_test['temp'].array.reshape(-1,1))
all_data['temp_bin'] = enc_temp.transform(all_data['temp'].array.reshape(-1,1))

# transform the humidity with KBinsDiscretizer
enc_hum = KBinsDiscretizer(n_bins=5, encode="ordinal", strategy='kmeans')
df_train['rhum_bin'] = enc_hum.fit_transform(df_train['rhum'].array.reshape(-1,1))
df_test['rhum_bin'] = enc_hum.transform(df_test['rhum'].array.reshape(-1,1))
all_data['rhum_bin'] = enc_hum.transform(all_data['rhum'].array.reshape(-1,1))

Rental's duration

Period of use

"5.1 Bikes should not be used for more than 19 consecutive hours, this is the maximum period of use." General Terms and Conditions (“GTC”)

* Assumption: Due to lack of information and data, to calculate the duration rental time I am assuming that when a new bike rental starts the duration in minutes will be calculated by: $$ ( RentalDuration = LastGPSTime - LastRentalStart ) $$

In [132]:
# time of rental in minutes (lastgpstime - rental-start)
all_data['duration'] = (all_data['lastgpstime'] - all_data['lastrentalstart']) / pd.Timedelta(minutes=1)

A few GPS records have frozen and stopped sending the accurate data back, which would lead to a bias duration of rentals.

To prevent any inaccurate information these records will be set as 0.

In [133]:
all_data[all_data['duration'] < 0].shape[0]
In [134]:
all_data['duration'] = np.where(all_data['duration'] < 0, 0, all_data['duration'])
all_data[all_data['duration'] < 0].shape[0]
In [140]:
df_train.to_csv('../data/processed/df_train.csv', index=False)
df_test.to_csv('../data/processed/df_test.csv', index=False)
all_data.to_csv('../data/processed/rentals_data.csv', index=False)

Initial new features


  • Holiday
  • Working Day (eg. weekend)
  • Season (eg. Summer)
  • Times of Day (eg. Morning)
  • Day of the week (eg. Monday)


  • Rainfall Intensity Level (eg. light rain)
  • Wind Speed (Beaufort Scale)
  • Wind Speed (grouped bft wind speed - helps high cardinality)
  • Temperature round (eg. 16.7°C -> 17°C)
  • Temperature Bins (clusters for different temperatures)
  • Humidity Bins (clusters for different relative humidity levels)

GitHub Mark GitHub repository
Author: Leandro Pessini